Hello and welcome to our website!
Things are really kicking off for us here in East London and we are in the process of working to launch our first project, a brand new theatre production called "If I Go" by James Eve, which we are hoping to premiere at a London fringe theatre venue sometime later this year.
We have a lot of projects in the pipeline, from launching the play (and everything that goes with it!), to our first full readthrough at Theatre Delicatessen next weekend (More information to follow!) We've got our cast of actors hard at work and we are looking forward to bringing everyone together for what promises to be an interesting and exciting day to workshop and review the new script in more detail.
Other than that - we're still working on other background projects, whether its making updates to our website (you'll start to see things evolving round you and we hope you will be a regular enough visitor to notice!) or updating social media and developing new and interesting ways to communicate.
So, if you haven't already, please do reach out to us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram - all of the links are somewhere on our site, and keep checking our website for new information and updates from us as we go about developing our projects. We're always on the lookout for new and interesting people to join us, so if you'd let to get on board, whether from an acting or a production standpoint, please do let us know and get in contact with us, we'd love to hear from you!
Team Proforca