We’re so excited to unveil a brand new addition to the world of “Feel” for our Spring 2019 performances. “Before Feel” is a Feel More story which will premiere at selected performances at The Space Arts Centre and other locations across the run of the show and will precede performances of the main show on
“8.7 million people, all of us. Rushing through the same tunnels and sharing the same sky. 8.7 million people, and me…”
Life passes Alex by. Sitting on the same platform day after day. Counting the days, counting the minutes, counting the steps. Watching a world of people pass them by.
Waiting for a train that never comes.
But then was this one day, a Tuesday, when everything seemed to change. The day the train never came. The day Alex changed their mind.
Because nothing good ever happened on a Tuesday. Did it?
“Before Feel” is a Feel More story which takes place in the ten minutes immediately prior to “Feel”. At each of the venues it is performed it will be performed by a different actor and director which means a truly unique and crafted monologue for each of the audiences and venues at which it is performed. Look out for more information about “Feel”, “Feel More” and “Before Feel” in the weeks to come.
“Feel” and “Before Feel” are written by James Lewis. “Feel” is directed by David Brady and “Before Feel” is directed at the Space Arts Centre by Jess Barton.
Proforca Theatre Company are based in London. For more information visit our website at www.proforca.co.uk and follow us on Instagram. Twitter and Facebook @ProforcaTheatre.